Girl Scouts have Smore Fun!

07nov10:00 am12:00 pmGirl Scouts have Smore Fun!

Event Details

Before the weather turns cold and the leaves are gone, plan on joining Girl Scouts from our area as we celebrate the start of a new year in Girl Scouts! We would love all girls come and get a taste of Girl Scouts at our free event. November 7th  10-noon @ Hargus Lake

Come find out what Girl Scouts do!
Saturday, November 7th, 2020, 10AM-Noon
Hargus Lake
Picnic Area Shelter House
Off Wesley Park Dr. Circleville, Ohio 45601
Take a micro Hike, make
SWAPS (Special Watchamacallits Affectionately Pinned Somewhere),
and meet new Friends!
Staff will be on hand to help you find the perfect volunteer role
and get your girl started!


(Saturday) 10:00 am - 12:00 pm